Thursday, December 11, 2008

Review: Sam Adams Chocolate Bock

So I picked up a bottle of Sam Adams' Chocolate Bock a few weeks ago, and had been saving it for a chance when I had time to drink and enjoy it. At 15.99 a bottle, I wanted to make sure I got my money's worth.

Poured two glasses out of the bottle. The color was very dark brown, almost black, with an off-white head that dissipated quickly. Very little lacing.

The smell was chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate, with hints of coffee. It smelled like a melted candy bar...and pretty much tasted like one too. The chocolate taste overpowered, with virtually nothing else coming through. It was definitely good, but barely tasted like beer. Only a bare hint of maltiness and alcohol reminded me that I wasn't drinking a chocolate milkshake. The chocolate also had a slightly weird taste to it, almost like an artificial sweetener.

It was definitely an enjoyable beer...but not worth the $15.99 a bottle. I'm a big fan of chocolate beers, and there are others I would choose over this (Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout comes immediately to mind). If someone offered me some, I would most certainly take it, but I don't see myself spending the money on another bottle.

On a homebrew note, my 'Cherries in the Snow' has aged beautifully. The tartness has mellowed, and the other smell I noticed in the first bottle (I think now it must have been acetaldehyde) is long gone. A bare hint of cherry flavor is starting to come through. This beer should age pretty well, so I plan on taking a couple of bottles home with me, and leaving the other case here to age over winter break.

So as for my next few brews, when I get back from winter break I plan on bottling the Chocolate Thunder porter (with how it's looking so far, this will probable be another chocolate beer I will prefer over Chocolate Bock). Then, I will probably start brewing two different stouts, my "Andromeda" Valentines Day Stout (a raspberry-chocolate stout), and my "Starless Night" Imperial Stout. I've been coming up with recipes, and I'm pretty excited for both.

Until next time...


The Bearded Brewer said...

Nice blog. I've brewed with cherries once and was really happy with the turn out. They tend to be much more mellow and subtle that you'd expect, which works nicely. The raspberry stout sounds delicious.

Dave said...

Glad I stumbled upon your blog (via El Bearded Brewer). Welcome to the obsession - brewing, not blogging, well, both. Good luck, man.
