Friday, December 19, 2008

Home for the Holidays

So I'm in New Jersey at the parents house for a few weeks. More likely than not I'll head back down to NC in time for the new year, and I'll start brewing again. My 'Chocolate Thunder' Porter will also have been in secondary for a little over a month, so I'll probably bottle that. If you've been reading, then you know I'm really excited about this beer. Part of that excitement is because its the first batch I'm brewing where I came up with the recipe, and the other part is when I tasted it, it tasted amazing.

Of course, being at the parents house means I don't have a whole lot to do, and I've had plenty of time to think about recipes, and what I want to brew next. Originally, my plan was to brew two stouts - a raspberry/chocolate stout, and an Imperial Stout. I think I'm definitely going to hold off on the Imperial Stout. I love dark beers as much as anyone else, but with my porter about to be bottled, and a raspberry/chocolate stout planned for Valentines Day, I think I'd rather try to make something lighter, or at least a little different.

Before I get to that, I was thinking more about the raspberry/chocolate stout. My original recipe and thought process had it being a very full-bodied, full-flavored stout (almost like an imperial - the other reason I didn't want to brew an imperial stout as well). But, I was sipping on a Youngs Double Chocolate the other day, and it hit me - a stout in that style with raspberry as well would taste pretty frickin amazing (or at least I think so), so I've shifted my focus. I think the raspberry/chocolate stout is going to be more in the style of a dry or sweet stout (i.e. like Youngs), rather than an Imperial. I'll post the recipe when I start brewing.

While that stout is brewing, I'd like to have something else going as well. I've come up with lots of ideas, and as much as I would love to brew all of them at once...that's not exactly an option. Every time I think I have something, I come up with something else I want to try. The most recent idea I've thought of is what I call my "Nightshade" ale. Not really sure why, since nightshade is a poisonous flower, but I like the name. I plan to brew it with blackberries and blueberries, with a little bit of honey to balance out the tanginess of the berries. I don't know if this is the one I'll brew right away with the stout, but right now I'm leaning towards it.

Not sure if I'll get another update in or not while I'm home, but in case I don't, I hope everyone has a happy holiday season :) I'll definitely update again as soon as I bottle my porter.

Until next time...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Review: Sam Adams Chocolate Bock

So I picked up a bottle of Sam Adams' Chocolate Bock a few weeks ago, and had been saving it for a chance when I had time to drink and enjoy it. At 15.99 a bottle, I wanted to make sure I got my money's worth.

Poured two glasses out of the bottle. The color was very dark brown, almost black, with an off-white head that dissipated quickly. Very little lacing.

The smell was chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate, with hints of coffee. It smelled like a melted candy bar...and pretty much tasted like one too. The chocolate taste overpowered, with virtually nothing else coming through. It was definitely good, but barely tasted like beer. Only a bare hint of maltiness and alcohol reminded me that I wasn't drinking a chocolate milkshake. The chocolate also had a slightly weird taste to it, almost like an artificial sweetener.

It was definitely an enjoyable beer...but not worth the $15.99 a bottle. I'm a big fan of chocolate beers, and there are others I would choose over this (Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout comes immediately to mind). If someone offered me some, I would most certainly take it, but I don't see myself spending the money on another bottle.

On a homebrew note, my 'Cherries in the Snow' has aged beautifully. The tartness has mellowed, and the other smell I noticed in the first bottle (I think now it must have been acetaldehyde) is long gone. A bare hint of cherry flavor is starting to come through. This beer should age pretty well, so I plan on taking a couple of bottles home with me, and leaving the other case here to age over winter break.

So as for my next few brews, when I get back from winter break I plan on bottling the Chocolate Thunder porter (with how it's looking so far, this will probable be another chocolate beer I will prefer over Chocolate Bock). Then, I will probably start brewing two different stouts, my "Andromeda" Valentines Day Stout (a raspberry-chocolate stout), and my "Starless Night" Imperial Stout. I've been coming up with recipes, and I'm pretty excited for both.

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cherries in the Snow, and more

So I'm impatient, and decided to go ahead and try one bottle of my variation of Charlie Papazian's "Cherries in the Snow". It's only been a week or so since I bottled, but I'm impatient, what can I say. I stashed one in the fridge this morning, and tried it this afternoon. It obviously could use longer to condition, and I plan to let the rest do so. I bottle primarily in 22oz'ers, but I bottled a couple of 12 oz bottles as well, for purposes like this.

Poured a reddish-brown in color - much darker than I wanted, but after watching it brew, what I expected. If I make this recipe again, I will definitely use "extra-light" or "extra-pale" extract instead of regular pale or light. Poured with a decent head, and while the beer definitely tasted well-carbonated, the head wasn't particularly full. Hopefully this will correct itself with more time conditioning.

I couldn't entirely place the aroma. It was a sweetness, but not the kind I was expecting. I don't think the batch was contaminated - after my debacle with my Irish Stout, I'm *very* careful with contamination. It also doesn't smell like anything that could contaminate a beer, based on what I've read. It wasn't a bad smell either, just something I wasn't used to. Just couldn't place it.

The taste wasn't what I was expecting - good, but not what I was expecting. A hint of hops in the background, so the cherries could shine through...but I didn't really taste the cherries. I definitely tasted the tartness of the cherries, but it was more a generic tartness and not the cherries themselves. I think this could have been due to the fact that I used canned cherries (it's all I could find), and could have used something else (maybe mixed in some sweet/dark cherries?) to compensate. It definitely tasted like a Belgian beer, like Papazian's description stated, but I guess even knowing that it wasn't what I expected. The tartness was a little overpowering, so I'm hoping that will mellow with a few more weeks bottling, and more of the cherry flavor will come through. Either way, it's definitely a good brew. I'm happy with it so far. I'll see how it is in a few weeks.

I also racked my "Chocolate Thunder" porter to secondary. And I am VERY excited about this beer.

I took a whiff as I was racking, and the aroma of chocolate and...well, beer...filled the room. When I finished racking, I reserved a few spoonfuls to taste.


A very strong chocolate/coffee aftertaste, but that's what I was looking for. You can definitely smell and taste the chocolate in the background. It's not as dark as I would have liked - ironically, I used "extra light" extract for this one, due to the high amount of dark malt. I think the addition of all of the chocolate actually helped lighten the color of the beer - it's a very milk-chocolate colored brown right now. Cleaning up all the trub/yeast cake wasn't so pleasant - but it smelled a lot better than it looked :)

The semester ends soon, which is a blessing in more ways than one. I'll be driving home for a few weeks, so the porter will have plenty of time to sit in secondary. It'll give me something else to look forward to when I come back down here.

I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to make next. I'm thinking about picking up another carboy so I can have two brews going at once. If I do that, then one of the ones I'll make is a Raspberry-Chocolate Stout, hopefully ready in time for Valentines Day. For the second beer, I think I'll try to make that pale ale/IPA I wrote about last time. I still want to make a "Thanksgiving Ale" at some point, but I figure that recipe will be a little more complicated, and it's not something that's pressing. I'll have plenty of time to formulate recipes when I'm at home :)

Well that's all for now. I'll be in New Jersey for the next few weeks, so if anyone there wants to talk homebrewing over a homebrew - or at a microbrew - let me know.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Review: Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale (2008)

My first review. I'll try to intersperse these once in awhile.

I had one of the Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale's on tap at Recreation Billiards in Winston-Salem, NC a few weeks ago. I liked it, so I picked up a sixer.

It pours a very nice reddish-gold (amber?) color, with a very thick, creamy and lasting head. Down to the last sip there was a good 1/4 inch of head. Started off with an inch of foam or so. Left a very high amount of lacing down the glass as well.

A strong aroma of hops and a slight citrus aroma pervades. First sip was very hoppy - I love IPAs, and am what would be considered a "hophead", so naturally I enjoy this beer. As the beer warmed, the hops mellowed out slightly. A bare hint of citrus can be tasted in the background as the beer warms, but for the first few sips, all there are are hops, hops, and more hops (not that that's a bad thing...).

Overall, I really like this beer - but it's nothing particularly special. To me, it tastes just like any other IPA - there's nothing in particular that makes it stand out. Personally, since I thoroughly enjoy hops, if I want something like this, I will just get an IPA to get the full-blown hop flavor. However, that being said, this is still a beer I enjoy. It's something I would definitely order again, but if there are other IPAs on tap, I would probably choose them instead. In fact, I would probably choose Sierra Nevada's "Anniversary" Ale - I don't have any in front of me so I can't compare directly, but from what I remember, it was hoppier (just the way I like it!).

As I said, it's definitely a quality beer, and one I would drink again, but there's nothing particularly spectacular about it. If you like IPA's and hops, you will enjoy this beer. If you're not particularly fond of hops, I wouldn't reccomend it.

On a home-brew note, my batch of Charlie Papazian's "Cherries in the Snow" has been bottled, and I hope to open the first one in a week or so. I brewed the "Chocolate Thunder" I wrote about last time a few days ago, and I'm excited about it. When I was brewing it, I was skeptical about the amount of chocolate - once I put the cocoa in, the chocolate was all I smelled. However, once the beer went in the primary, the hops and malt began to come through. I definitely want the chocolate flavor to come through, but I want beer, not hot chocolate. I think it should turn out pretty good. When I rack it to secondary in a few days, I'll post another update.

The semester ends in a week or so, so I won't be brewing anything else until after the new year. I threw around a few ideas I was considering last time, but I'm also considering now brewing a pale ale/ESB/IPA (something in that general area). Generally, if I'm out somewhere, I'll order an IPA over a pale ale simply because I love the hops. However, I'm thinking about making something thats still hoppy, but smoother, and has a greater depth of flavor. That's why I'm thinking about cutting down the hops a little bit and allowing some of the malt to come through, and making a pale ale. Something like that is more of an "everyday" beer, something that one could pretty much grab whenever they want a beer, whereas my other recipes have been more "specialty" (at least to me), and are things you have to be in the mood to drink.

That's all for now. I picked up a bottle of Sam Adams Chocolate Bock the other day, and I'm really excited to try it. However, I'm waiting for a night when I really want it - it's too expensive, and too specialized, to drink just for the sake of having a beer. I'll post a review for that when I eventually try it - hopefully sooner than later.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

And so it begins

Well, I've been home brewing for a couple of months now. After a couple of successes (and one epic failure), and countless hours perusing other home brewer's blogs and websites, I'm ready to start formulating my own recipes. This is a hobby I am very glad I got into - a bunch of my friends brew their own beer, and they got me hooked on it. The entire process is something I enjoy (well, except for maybe the bottling...that can be a pain), and the rewards are well worth it.

So far, I've made two beers from kits (both from TrueBrew). The first one, their Amber Ale, turned out better than I could have expected for my first batch, and each bottle tastes better than it lasts (I guess it makes sense why brewers have to be so patient). The next batch, the TrueBrew Irish Stout...did not turn out so well. I tried to add too much to it, and was definitely in over my head with that little experience brewing. Furthermore, I don't think everything was sanitized properly. Needless to say, that's one batch I'm glad I didn't have my friends over to try.

Just the other day I bottled my "Cherries in the Snow", based off of Charlie Papazian's recipe in "The Complete Joy of Home Brewing". I had to modify the recipe slightly, due to what was available in my local store. Right now, I'm really excited for it. I tasted a little bit of what was left after I bottled, and I can't wait to taste how it is fully carbonated and chilled. A mild cherry flavor pervades, with just a hint of soft hoppiness in the background.

Until this year, I primarily drank lighter beers (in color, not in the Bud/Miller/Coors variety). I was a big fan of Amber Ale's and IPA's especially. This year, I've finally gotten into darker beers - Porters, Stouts (though I'm still not really a Guinness fan, as much as I try), and Bocks. I'm fortunate enough to live near a microbrewery, Foothills, and their Total Eclipse Stout and People's Porter have become two of my favorite beers. So, after much research, and discussion with other home-brewers online, I've decided to make a porter, with hints of chocolate in the background, my next venture:

Starlight Brewing's "Chocolate Thunder" Porter:

6.6 lbs Muntons extra-lite Liquid Malt Extract
1 lb Crystal Malt
1 lb Dark Crystal Malt
8 oz Carapils Malt
4 oz Black Patent
1 lb Chocolate Malt
1 lb baker's cocoa powder
1.5 oz Fuggles (boiling)

I realize there's going to be a lot of malty flavor, but I want a good, strong porter, with a lot of depth of flavor. I had originally planned on using a lot less chocolate, but after discussion with other brewers online, one reccomended upping the amount to make sure it comes through, even with all of the malts. If anyone has any recommendations, before I brew, I'd love to hear them. My local store is waiting on a shipment of chocolate malt, so I'm not doing anything until they get it in.

As for what comes after this, I've already been thinking ahead. I'd like to try making a variation of Charlie Papazian's "Cherry Fever Stout", except with Raspberries instead, and perhaps some chocolate undertones. I think the combination of raspberries and chocolate would make a perfect beer for around Valentines Day.

I also want to brew something I wish I had thought of sooner. There are Pumpkin Ales for Halloween, and Winter Warmers and Christmas Ales for around Christmastime, but there are very few 'Thanksgiving' themed beers that I've found. The flavor that comes immediately to mind for Thanksgiving is cranberry, so I want to find a way to incorporate that into a beer. I've thought about a Cranberry Wheat, but if my 'Cherries in the Snow' batch turns out well, I might try to modify that and use cranberries instead of cherries.

Either way, I have my next few weeks of brewing pretty much set. I'm going to try to contain myself for another week while the Cherries in the Snow batch bottle-conditions, but I'll let you know how everything turns out.

Happy Thanksgiving, and happy brewing!